Wednesday, June 17, 2020

DFI Session 7 - Thursday 18 June 2020

I found this session very engaging. It was really cool to learn more about Hapara and the purpose of the different features and how visible everything is from the different folders to blogs and emails.
I also had more of an insight to the Manaiakalani Journey and its alignment with Te Tiriti o Waitangi. I understood how important the partnership was between Manaiakalani and whanau, commercial businesses and developers. It was great to know that whanau are at the centre and part of all the decision making as this is all for our students/their children. I think I would like to try to add some videos of myself onto my site as I currently don't have any. I'll also use the smart surfing plan with my students to help them search and filter through their searches a bit better.

Hapara Hot tips
  • Making a new folder for students stops visibility
  • Removing browser tabs are available but talking to students would be best
Explain Everything 
  • Quite easy to use. I was able to explore the features and photos options which was handy. I guess I could use this programme as a way for students to explain and show their learning using the voice feature also. 

Digital Dig
  • Learning new shortcuts and tricks to navigate through Chromebooks was super helpful. 
Using Screencastify for the first time today was great. I think I'll give this a go some time for explaining tasks. 

DFI Session 6 - Thursday 11 June 2020

This session was great I think I'm going to continue to work on developing my site and converting my plans to slides and taskboards for my students (and give accessibility ha) so that everything is visible on my site.  I also want to utilise Hapara Dashboard more with my students share how visible everything is and possibly have a go at organising our work together. Also, I'm wanting to blog more frequently with my students and give more opportunity for my students to blog their work and navigate through their blogs. I guess one of the main points for me today is accessibility and visibility.

Some Main Points from today

  • Connected 
  • Ubiquitous
  • Empowered 
  • Visible
Leading Learning using Google Sites 
  • What is the foundation of what we are doing 
  • Learning site needs to be the one-stop hub for everything
  • Things on your wall (timetables etc.) should be on class Site 
  • Consistency across all sites and year levels 
  • effective engagement 
  • Pick 2 or 3 colours that work across my site 
  • How is the layout going to make it easy for students to navigate through
  • How well does it function and promote learning to the learning task
  • How is learning from previous weeks archived without it being mess

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

DFI Session 5 Thursday 4th June 2020

It was a great session today, despite my brain felt a little overloaded this week. It was great to learn more and explore google sites and learn about visibility and creating folders for access and sharing. I love the idea of collaboration and visibility and having all of the learning community involved and having access to the students learning. It makes learning so much more authentic with a real audience and you tend to put more effort into it when you know someone is going to read it. In terms of Google sites, I think I'm going to try and change the layout of my class site to make it more consistent and clean across all the pages. Also, I'll set up my pages with hooks and images to engage my students into their learning and take into consideration the Multi-Modal designs when doing this. Hopefully, when this is set up I'll feel more organised on my site and I can get a routine going of regularly updating it.

Some main points from today 

Collaboration - Visibility 
  • Hapara has parent visibility to their student drives 
  • Communicating with a real audience and purpose in mind 
  • Technology is a game-changer so that teaching and learning is visible
  • Keeping the site up to date 
  • Making it attractive and engaging (like a shop window) 
  • Hooking students in 
  • Videos of yourself on the sites are engaging for students
  • All resources in class site helps (all in one place) 
  • Multi-modal design for behavioural engagement 
  • Multi-textural design for cognitive engagement
  • Using recognisable images to engage students
  • Reduce text-heavy style sites
Dashboard/Hapara and Blogger 
  • Visibility to blogger 
  • Hovering over allows you to see a preview 
  • The comments section is showing the comments on student' blog 
  • Red comments = anonymous user 
  • You can create folders for your site - you can share permissions for this folder (Visible) 
  • Using google drawing/post-it notes to plan your site for pages and subpages 
  • You can choose templates/Themes 
  • You can create new pages and sub pages 
Design a website - 13-15 Years
  • Design a site
  • Smart Media 
  • Tki - range of resources to reuse - journals + Audio 
  • Looking at information is it real or fake? 
  • Digo extension for highlighting in websites 
  • Context Tasks - How do we know information is valid? 
  • Do we take everything as true?
  • In layout - Configure blog post you can add a "reaction" to click on as a response to a comment